Monday, April 12, 2010


In life there are lots of things that we might experience.

Happy moments.
Glorious moments.
Loving moments.
moments in abundance.
and many more...

We will experience happiness during some celebration feast and doing things that we like.

Some moments in our life that we are treasuring so much like graduation, wedding and birthdays.

But I know all of us have moments when we feel so sad, guilty, angry and some negative feelings.

It is normal.

Whenever you feel so down what will you do?
Are you going to sit down and wait?
Wait for other people to solve your problems?
Wait for other people to lift you up?

Or are you going to get up by yourself and face tomorrow with confidence?

Sometimes we experience falling down,
with so many problems and there are moments we think that our problems are too many for us to solve.
School problems,
Family problems,
Financial problems,
grievances, anxiety...

and you feel that there is no hope at all,
That there is no way to solve your problems.

Its like you fell on ground face down.
You are feeling helpless,
You feel that your friends and family run away from you and leave you alone.

When you are down literally, what will you do?

Are you going to start walking? NO..
Running? No..

What you gonna do is to stand up..

Just like when you feel your so down.
You need to find that strength to get back up....

You can find some motivations, your family, your child , your friends and many more..
and if you found nothing look again, because yourself needs you more than anybody else in this world.
When there is no one there for you do it for yourself..

Its not how hard you fall down,
It is how you will get up and walk in your life again..

You can try a thousand times to get back up, and if you fail a thousand times...
If you fail and you GIVE UP.
Do you think you can get up?


But if you fail and try again and again and again and again.....
you need to know that is not the end of your life,

It matters on how you gonna finish,


don't lose hope, you are going to find that strength to get back up..

Just don't GIVE UP....

This entry is inspired by Nick Vujicic

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