Wednesday, April 28, 2010

WHo are WE????

When you are walking on the street and someone needs a little help like picking something falls down from his pocket, will you lend a hand? and give little effort to help?

How do you want to be remembered?

It is an important question.
When someone ask you that what will be your response?

It is so easy to slide from one day to the next out of auto pilot.
doing things that you usually do everyday.

At the end of our life, at the end of YOUR life, when everything else falls away. what essence of you shines out?
What have you done in this world?

In remembering you, which words will others choose?

I wonder, dont you?

of all the possible adjectives that can use to describe, i think  the word KIND must be one of those.

For me if people remembers you of being kind, you have lived a life worthy of being remembered.

One time I saw a woman, an old woman walking and carrying many grocery bags.
The woman find it so hard to carry it alone.
Later, a man approach the old woman and offer his help. They carry the bags together until the woman makes her ride on a bus.

That act was not too heroic but it was so KIND.

Imagine a world without kindness..
What do you see?

A world that is full of selfishness. Working only for individual satisfaction.

more kindness leads to a more meaningful life, goodwill in a school and in your community.

So, Lucky for us that kindness is easy and natural thing.
It only requires awareness to those around you. being sensitive to your fellow human.

Like when in a public place like library, a simple act of kindness like turn your phone in silent mode for a while.

Let us learn to have more awareness and more KINDNESS..

Finally, We might ask, how do we collectively as a people want to be remembered?
What is our purpose?

I think the answer lies in the word....

We are manKIND.

-inspired by a video..

1 comment:

  1. Gling ah, tma ang pgiging mabaet ang mhalaga :D


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