Sunday, January 2, 2011

Which way will you take?

There is a story about 3 farmers going to the market to sell their crops, melon and watermelon.
Along halfway they started chatting with each other and talk about some matters until the time that they talk a topic about religion. The two farmers had the moment of debate where they are debating about the question, "What is the true and best religion?"

After some time of debating and talking about it, they ask their other companion, the eldest among them and probably the most wiser, they ask the topic they are debating.

He answered,
You know, it is like what we are doing now. We are going to the market to sell our harvested fruits, we can go this short way to arrive early to the market but the road is too steep that makes it dangerous for our fruits and ourselves. The other way is another short way but the road is too rough. Another way is a very long road that will take some time for us to walk before we can go to the market.

You are asking about what is the true religion.
When we sell our fruits to the market the buyer will not ask which way we take in order to bring our fruits to the market, instead they will ask, How sweet is your melon?, How fresh is your fruits?


Today,we are told about something that is important. That the salvation is not only for the Jews, but for the whole world. That the truth is not exclusive to a particular group of people but for all who seeks the truth.

In Jerusalem, there are people that is known as an expert about the scripture, the people who which herod asked where the messiah will be born.
When Jesus became a man, there are also people who knows about His birth. First is the shepherd who got direct revelation from the angels and another is the wise men. They are from far away land but they went to Bethlehem with only the star as their guide.They are nature worshipers, they dont have religion but they went and search for he king that was born.This wise men, probably astrologers, went and offer their gifts and then go.They are not baptized as Christians, but they worshiped Jesus as the way they worship a great king. But the people who claim to be the expert in scriptures did not come to worship the king.

We do not say that all religions are the same, what we say is that we Christians, we have gotten the truth in its fullness. Because of the truth that we received, we can really know God, love Him and truly serve Him.

There are many ways of reaching God, There are many paths to attain heavenly reality, but if we lose our focus, it can be like we know the truth but we cannot arrive to the place where we must go.

What will gifts will you offer to Jesus when you arrive at Him?
How sweet is your melon?
Is your life pleasing to God?
Is the life you will offer, is a life that is full?

There is a woman who will celebrate her 100th birthday this January. A priest ask the woman, what makes you live a long life? and she answered,"My love for God and for others".

The secret of her life is by living it simple, My life is for the God I believe in and for the people I would like to serve.

When we come face to face with God, It is not how long or short our life was, it is not where or how we came to Him, are you a catholic, INC, born again, protestant or any other religion it doesn't matter. The only thing that He would ask, "The melon that you bring, is that sweet?"

DId you became fruitful?
Did you leave a pleasing life?
Was your life, is a life that was lived well and a life that matters?

The Lord tells us,
He is a God of all nations,
He is a God of all who desire to find the truth,
He is a God who will grant salvation to anyone who walks by the light of the star of faith and walk in the light of the truth of God.

As we enter the new year 2011,Thank the Lord for the all the blessings he gave this past year and Ask for the lord's guidance and ask for His light. So that this whole year, we may live our lives to its full as a way to be with Him.Pray that our life will be fruitful. And also be the Light for your neighbors. Be the one who bears the Light of Christ. Bring others closer to Jesus and in that way you became the same light, the same star that appear on the sky during the first Christmas.

How sweet is your melon?

We have only one life, lets use it, and live your life to its full.

Lets pray for the unity of the whole world, and for the unity of all Christians.
Let us pray for each other that we may find our religion as the way to lead us to our king.
That when the evening of our life has come, we can see each other with Jesus, regardless of what religion we belong while we are here on earth.

Our king was born, and reveals himself to all nations.

Love God by serving His people.

A happy and blessed new year to all of us!

May your life be truly blessed,


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