Sunday, January 31, 2010


Why do we need money?

All of us can answer this question,even a child.
many of us or all of us will say, to buy and sustain our basic needs like food, clothing, personal hygiene and many more.

Some people say, that money is the root of all evil.
that is their own perception about money or having too much money.

Have you imagined a world without money?

Money is not the most important thing in this world, but money affects the most important things in this world.

Having money is good, it is a blessing. What's wrong is, when the moment come that you will love the money.
Because when you love money it can result many evil things most likely, GREED.
It can destroy family, crimes, and it will lead you to do a very sinful things.

If you shout on a public place and ask, WHO WANTS MONEY?

maybe all people will raise their hands, and majority of them will raise their hand out of greed.
but I hope there are few, will still raise their hands out of love.

Why am I sharing this to you?

I am sharing this because recently I thought that people are wanting to be abundant financially. They have their own reason, but only few might say, "because i want to bless this world".

Many filipinos are in poverty, and they all need help.
Bless this world. and it all will start by blessing your neighbor in need.

We can use money in almost everything. Use it in a loving way.

I cannot elaborate more of my thoughts.. i have a lot of words to share.. but i feel so sleepy and i cant concentrate on writing this sorry for wrong grammar, typographical error is there is any.

maybe thats all... I will continue this to my next post...... I will rest for a while..

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